Thursday, November 23, 2006

Romans By Bhuvan

I have enjoyed learning about the Romans. When we went to Cramond I learned a lot about Romans and learnt what they had to eat. Jeff the Roman came to our class and he showed us some weaponry.I am going to tell you about what Jeff the Roman showed us.He showed us a shield and a sword.

What I Learned About the Romans by Hannah

I learned that eight romans had to sleep together. The romans conquered France, Italy and Spain.The Romans were sometimes a bit gross.

Roman Weaponry Samuel

I enjoyed learning about Roman weaponry.

I have seen a real Roman spear.

I'm going to tell you a bit about Roman weaponry.
Most romans did a turtle to protect them in war.
The Romans belleved in gods like Cupid the god of love and many more.

signed sam!

The Romans by Lauren

I learned that the Romans were very clever and they built Hadrian's Wall.

I made a Roman shield and it was very fun to do a piece of Roman art.
I also made a Roman pot in the class room.
I learnd that the Romans used a sponge on a stick for toilet paper.

What I've Learned About the Romans Amy

I really enjoyed the Romans project. I especially liked the trip to cramond

Romans were GREAT Paula

The Romans were BRILLANT. We made roman shields,and most importantly we went to Cramond. We saw a spread of ground where a bath-house was and it was very exciting. I LOVED it .There was a man called Jeff he came to tell us what roman life was like .

Romans By Rosie

I have learnt that Romans are always fighting in battles.The best sort of shield is one with curved edges. They used to make something called a turtle when they put all their shields together and stood under them.Someone called Jeff came and told us about Romans.He also showed us lots of weapons. The Romans ruled for nearly 700 years. The Romans hardly had any space. Eight soldiers had a barrack to share between them. They slept on bunk beds with straw filled mattresses. The soldiers could relax in their barrack room,playing dice and cleaning their armour.

The Romans by Eilidh

We have been learning about the Romans. We have enjoyed it a lot and it was fun.We also got to make our own Roman shield.After that we had Jeff the Roman. He showed us what the Romans wore. Then we went to Cramond and two rangers showed us round and they showed us the bathhouse and a mini museum.The Roman gods are*Jupiter the king of gods.Venus was the godness of love there were many more but I cannot remember.When the Romans were at the bath house they went into the steam room then the hot room, relaxed in the warm room before a dip in the cold pool outside.They ruled for many years. Slaves worked at farms.

The Romans Ellen

I learnt that the Romans used mouse brains for toothpaste and that Rome was founded in 700BC and they put shows on in the Colosseum.They also believed in some gods.Here are some of them.Jupiter was the king of gods.He married the powerful goddess Juno.Their son, Mars, was the god of war.Diana was the goddess of hunting.Mercury took messages for Jupiter.Venus was the goddess of hunting.On holy days, people went to temples with gifts for gods.It was great learning about the Romans. I am sad to stop learning about them.

By Ellen F-D

Romans by Clare

Last term our project was the Romans.We went to Cramond .
I really enjoyed going . We saw a man called Jeff the Roman. He was really good and really funny. We made some really good shields. I thought Erins and Ellens were the BEST.

The Romans By Mattie

I really like studying Romans.I loved the tortoise.The Romans cleaned their teeth with mouse brains.

Romans by Daniel

Jeff the Roman told us that mouse brains were used to clean their teeth EUWWW!

He let me dress up in Roman armour and sword and helmet.

The Romans by Jason

I like the Romans and the shields and swords. They were great.We had a great time whan Jeff the Roman got swords and shields.The Romans built lasting roads, bridges and towns.They ruled for almost 700 years.




Romans were around 2,0000 years ago and had lots of battles. They were very clever. We went on a trip to Cramond. We saw lots of Roman things. The picture is what we walked along.The Romans are GREAT!

The Romans By Aaryaman

Roman were very clever.
The Romans came from Rome.
The Romans ruled lots of countries.
They ruled Britain 2000 years ago.
We also went Cramond.
Jupiter was the king of the gods


I really like the Romans because they are soooooo interesting. Jeff the Roman was really funny. ROMAN villas were large country houses usually attached to a farm.Not much changed while Britain was part of the Roman empire.Some people say that Romulus and Remus founded Rome.

What I Learnt About The Romans By Anisha

I have learnt how to make a shield. And I really liked the trip. AND I REALLY LIKED OUR PROJECT .

Romans by Rosa

We made shields and they were fun to make and we went to Cramond and it was fun.

What I Learned about the Romans Sara

In p4 we learned all about the Romans and Celts.We went to Cramond and saw some Roman sandals .Now I know that romans went in the same

Romans by Maciej

Romans by Caitlin


We learned about the Romans.
This is a picture of a Roman carrying some wood.I learnt that the romans conquered most of Europe.We saw a roman called Jeff. He was funny because he pretended to shoot a bullet in a sling shot.We also went to Cramond. A ranger showed us the bath house and much more.I would recommend this project it is fun and cool.



I enjoyed the Romans because they were fun.Jeff the Roman came to our class and he told us lots of things like when they are full up and they want more to eat they put a feather down their throat and are sick. We went to Cramond and we got shown the bathhouse and the small museum.ROMAS ARE GREAT!!! THEY ARE FUN!!!

The Romans By Katie

My class love learning about the Romans. It's so cool. We learnt a lot about Romans. I loved making the Roman shield. My mum and siser helped me make it .I liked Jeff the Roman because he scared the teacher.I learned how the Romans went to the toilet he he he he he he he he he he he! It's funny and I liked going to Cramond. It was interesting and we got to see lots of things.

The Romans By Sophie

I have been learning about the Romans.

Roman Shield by Tara

I have learnt a lot about the Romans especially the shields.

I like the Romans because

•there is lots to learn
•its lots of fun

What I Have Learned About the Romans by Natasha

I have learned lots about the Romans, like making Roman shields. When Jeff the Roman came to visit us he showed us all his spears and shield. When we went to Cramond we had a battle with our classmates.It was very fun.

What I Have Learned about Romans by Amy


Romans by Isla

Romans and Celts were enemies.

Romans by Lachlan

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Romans by Ben

The Romans By Santiago

I have been learning about the Romans. A man called Jeff the Roman came to our class. He was very funny and I had a very good time.One of the funny things was that Jeff said that the Romans cheated in war. I learnt a lot about the Romans.Here are some facts
•the romans were very good builders
•we would not have roads if it were not for the Romans

We went to Cramond and some people told us about the Roman lion. It was found in the water in Cramond.I had a great time.

by Santiago

Kais Romans

The Romans are very good fighters.

Tom Romans

The Romans were an army! They ruled for 700 years!! They were great at fighting.We have been learning about the Romans and Jeff came to tell us about the Romans .We went to Cramond and some rangers showed us around.

Romans By Ben

The Romans lived hundreds of years ago!!Jeff the Roman came to our class, and told us lots of Roman facts.He had real cool Roman weapons.They were a sword,two shields,a scooping thing (stirgil) that takes sweat away,armour and really big spears.

ROMANS by Vanya

When I was on a Roman trip it was fantastic. It was the visit from Jeff I enjoyed best.

Bridge By Rose

I learned a lot about the Romans. I learnt that Romans are good builders and make their bridges fancy and nice. One thing I really liked was when Jeff the Roman came and told us they didn't have soap.

The Romans by Lily

The Romans' sandals are made out of leather and nails.

What I Learned About the Romans

The Romans Hadrian's Wall

I learned that the Romans built Hadrian's Wall to block them from Scotland.

Soldier by Helen

Roman standing straight and tall.I learned that the Romans RULED for nearly 700 years.They built lasting roads,bridges and towns.The Roman army fought many battles and conquered huge areas.They fought in all weather,rain or shine.


I think the Romans was a very good project .I went to a Roman fort in Cramond,where two rangers showed us around.We were visited by Jeff the Roman who told us lots of facts,such as how the Romans went to war.I think the Romans were very interesting to learn about.


We were finding out about the Romans. We visted Cramond and there were 2 rangers to help us. We saw a Roman bath - it was really BIG . After that Jeff the Roman came. He said "Salve" which meant hello. He was interesting. Did you know Romans built a fort outside? What do you think about the Romans?

THE ROMANS by:Cameron

This term I have been learning about the Romans.
Romans are famous for inventing the road.
They made their roads straight so that they could get the shortest and the straightest routes.
The Romans used the letters I, V, X, L, C, D and M as numbers.

What I have Learnt about the Romans by:Anna G

The Romans are fun to learn about and very intresting.

Did you know that the Romans used powdered mouse brains for tooth paste?

Ladies used little girls' hair for wigs.

Roman roads were straight.

The Romans By Raihan

The Roman jewellery was very expensive
because it is really beautiful.

The Roman Army By Blair

Dear all

My name is Blair. We have had a successful subject learning about the Romans.

I learnt so much I couldn't fit it all it in my head.

The Romans by Captiva

I have really enjoyed learning about the Romans.
I liked how they would tickle their throat to eat more nice food{ye right it was nice}.